Educational Services
Educational Services
To request resident education records please fax the request to 515-438-3558.
Special Education Services
Eligible residents receive special education services from qualified and licensed teachers while attending Woodward Academy. Some of those services include the development and maintenance of Individualized Education Plans (IEP), providing Specially Designed Instruction (SDI), and progress monitoring of academic and behavioral goals. Woodward Academy offers a continuum of services. Many of these services are provided in the general education setting, allowing residents to learn in the least restrictive environment possible.
Iowa Options Program (HiSET)
We also provide a HiSET Options program through the State of Iowa along with our regular educational courses which allows residents behind in credits to test out of subject areas to give them the option of graduating on time, and without being considered a high school dropout. Residents that utilize the HiSET Options program along with their regular classes receive a High School Diploma from Woodward Academy. The HiSET tests can be used for individual content areas as credit recovery, or in all five to satisfy core coursework requirements toward high school graduation. Residents still must complete additional course requirements to be eligible for a high school diploma in the State of Iowa, including Physical Education, Personal Finance, and CPR.
Residents who earn their diploma through our Iowa Options Program often express that they never thought graduating high school was feasible until they came to WA, and many have utilized it toward gainful employment, or even post-secondary education.
Educational Liaison
Our Educational Liaison works with our Case Managers and school leaders to ensure residents have a smooth transition from Woodward Academy to their home school district. Our liaison supports resident transitions on an individual resident basis based on resident and caregiver needs; this can include identifying resources in the school or community that may be beneficial to the resident, setting up meetings with the home school district to review the resident’s credit status, set up classes, tour the school, meet new teachers, coaches, and counselors, or even to repair relationships that were damaged due to the resident’s past behaviors. The liaison serves as an advocate for the resident and their family or caregiver to ensure the best plan possible for the resident to be successful when returning back to their home, school, and community.
Post-Secondary Transition
For residents who wish to pursue post-secondary education, Woodward Academy can serve as their advocate to help set them up for this stage in their life. Residents have received assistance contacting colleges of interest, participating in campus tours, filling out financial aid forms, and taking college placement tests such as the ACT. Residents have also explored military and vocational options by taking tours of Job Corps facilities and being connected with recruiters for interviews.
Click here for the Day School calendar.
The Day School Calendar has been extended to June 5th 2023 due to snow days.
Click here for the Residential school calendar.

Woodward Academy
1251 334th St. Woodward, Iowa 50276
(515) 438-3481